Mise En Abyme Effect

Mise en abyme (French pronunciation: [miz‿ɑ̃n‿abim]; also mise en abîme) is a French term derived from heraldry, and literally means “placed into abyss”. 

A common sense of the phrase is the visual experience of standing between two mirrors, then seeing as a result an infinite reproduction of one’s image.

Mise En Abyme, or Droste Effect, is the visual experience of standing between two mirrors, then seeing as a result an infinite reproduction of one’s image. Another word for this phenomenon is Recursion.

Mise En Abyme is both science and art. This effect is often used in heraldry and coats-of-arms. The effect is captivating to look upon and the observer may spend a long time admiring this optical illusion, involuntary expecting deeper levels to be somehow new or different from the parent level.

Like other Mise En Abymes, MEA Cloud uses RECURSION – it’s a computer within a computer!

Recursive Images

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Infinite computers gif
The infinite technology. @ Heraldic Clouds

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